Sep 28, 2009

Durga Puja Notice 2

This was the poster that I designed as the poster for the Durga Puja. Some things which I think can be made a note of are

  • BACKGROUND & THEME : At first you should be able to choose a good background and theme. A good background completes half of your task. While choosing or preparing your background make sure you dont have too many colours and designs in it. In that case it becomes difficult to write the text distinctly.Not to mention it should go with your theme.

  • FONTS : Next make sure you choose your  fonts for a poster. Too many makes it more clumsy and scrappy. On the other hand very less makes it look more official.

  • IMAGES : This step is very important. In this step you are supposed to choose icons or some images to put in your poster to make it lively. Make sure you choose the right pictures. I would advice you to go to flickr or photobucket or any image hosting sites which offer good quality images (essentials you have a lot of professional photographers posting their photos there). You should also take care of the border of the photos. They do play an important role in deciding the final look of the poster.

  • SELECTION OF COLORS : You should choose yours colors from the images you are using. That brings out a feeling of blending into the theme of your poster

  • PLACEMENT : Last but not the least is the proper placement of all the elements that you plan to put on your poster. It should highlight the important things in your poster. Like in my poster i wanted to high light the Specials in my poster not at the cost of Puja timings, so I used icons or pics to highlight the Specials.

It all depends on you , how you place, how you plan and how you execute.
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