Oct 3, 2009

WicgaC Justified

Well the name's WICGAC

Historically speaking, WICGAC = Wish I Could Get Another Chance. A blog which was started by me to pour my thoughts on my life actions which couldn't be reversed. It so happened one night, I was very disappointed that day and was restless with no means to restore my systems to a stable point. No doubt, I was on my comp browsing net and then suddenly the idea of writing a blog on my regrets and advices on how do avoid them etc etc came up in my mind. And thus the name.

Next after some days, I had this very thought of the justification of such a blog where you write your regrets of your life. Indeed celebrate your life, see the color and diversity of it and most importantly enjoy it. So I decided to make it my life's mirror ( Oh yes ! no more regrets ). Thus I started posting my works on Photoshop, my daily life happenings, my thoughts and interests and friends. In short it had become my daily dairy blog which contained me.

So it is : Wish Is Complete Given Always Complimented
This in its very crude form means. If you have a wish, compliment it, believe in it, work for it and earn it. Yes, thats true, you have to believe in whatever you do and next you have to work towards it to earn it

I dunno how far was my justification satisfied you. Its all inside you. As far as I am concerned I am satisfied and I will make it awesome. :)
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